

We use mathematical techniques to model and describe real-world systems. This provides the capability to simulate and predict how a system behaves and identify its dominant and hidden variables, reducing the need for costly experiments. Examples of our modelling projects include simulating plant processes in minerals extraction and modelling the costs and benefits of on-farm storage for grain production


We specialise in developing optimisation models for strategic decisions, scheduling and planning, and automated decision support. Optimisation is critical in situations where the number of inter-related variables and trade-offs is such that it’s impossible to manually determine the best decision, system configuration, or course of action. Our optimisation projects have included optimising schedules for maintenance operations, optimising vessel fleet configurations for offshore operations, and optimising facility locations based on demand, transport, and input costs.


We use statistical and data science techniques to uncover meaningful patterns in data and compare scenarios, providing valuable insights that can be used for informed decision-making. This leads to scientifically robust conclusions at minimal effort, even when there are uncertainties that cannot be controlled. Our past and present statistical projects include analysing the performance of different computing architectures, determining the key factors contributing to winning in different sports, estimating the amount of hydrocarbon reserves, and statistical audits for various industries.


We develop algorithms that automatically control the inputs to a system to ensure safe, efficient, and stable operations, even in the presence of disturbances. This enables human operators to focus on higher-level decisions while removing human error or fatigue as a potential drag on performance. Working with our partners, we have designed control algorithms for various applications, including controlling torque in rotating crane loads, controlling fans in grain silos for energy-efficient cooling and drying, and controlling anaesthetic drug delivery during surgery.